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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

10 valuable tips for buying an excellent used car

For those who know little or nothing about cars...

1. Check the pedals for wear. If the foot pedal is worn, the car has had lots of highway miles and if the brake pedal is worn, it's a sign of city driving.

2.Look for fresh paint jobs or different colors of paint in the body panels. These can indicate a body in bad repair that's been patched up.

3. Check the odometer reading. Numbers that don't line up could indicate that the odometer has been turned back. Remember, too, high mileage isn't always bad if the car is in good shape.

4. Look for fatigue and cobbling on the wiring inside the hood. At the same time, check the hoses to see if they are cracked or weathered. These could indicate a car that's "been through the mill" and is a bad deal.

5. Look for oil leaks on the ground and in the engine compartment. These are signs of motor trouble.

6. Check if the exhaust is brittle or rusty. It will have turned black where it's leaking too.

7. Look for baldness and cracks or weather-checking on the tires between the treads on the face and sides. Tires that are worn on one side indicate bad alignment.

8.The doors should line up when you open and close them. Look for wearing on the rubber around the doors. Check the windows and locks. These not working can indicate poor maintenance by previous owners.

9. Get the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)and do some online research at where you can cehck prices, do title searches and get vehicle histories.

10. Find a trusty mechanic or mechanically-inclined person to bring shopping with you.

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